Tools & Resources

Happier by the Minute Videos

Ep.1 How to Become a HAPPIER Person in One Minute

Ep.2 Five Areas to focus on to increase happiness

Ep.3 Did you know OPTIMISM can be learned?

Ep.4 How to build on your STRENGTHS

Ep.5 Do you have a FIXED or GROWTH MINDSET?

Ep.6 Four steps to changing your MINDSET to be happier
Download your free copy of “How to talk back to your fixed mindset

Ep.7 Sorry, You can’t be happy all the time but…

Ep.8 How to be Happy: Why didn’t anyone tell me this before?

Ep.9 Gratitude: The holy grail of happiness

Ep.10 Happiness is as easy as brushing your teeth

Ep.11 What is Irrevocable Happiness for you?

Ep.12 Did you answer the question that will help you find happiness? 

Ep.13 Want to be as successful as Jim Carrey and Oprah?

Ep.14 What is keeping you from living the life of your dreams? 

Ep.15 What’s your excuse for not practicing gratitude?
Action Worksheet

Ep.16 Take 10 minutes to change your day- and someone else’s 

Ep.17 What’s your excuse for not practicing gratitude?

Ep.18 Are you good enough?

Ep.19 Judger vs Learner:  Are you on the right path to success?
Download your free graphic Choice Map.

Ep.20 Affirmations
Download your list of FREE affirmations that you can print and repeat!

Ep.21 Best Possible Self

Ep.22 Visualize Process

Ep.23 Failure Examples

Ep.24 Failure Magic Lessons

Happiness Quizes:

Recommended Books

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth
Before Happiness The 5 Hidden Keys to Achieving Success, Spreading Happiness, and Sustaining Positive Change by Shawn Achor
The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work by Shawn Achor
Practical Bliss: The Busy Person’s Guide to Happiness by Lisa Broesch-Weeks 
Gratitude Works!: A 21-Day Program for Creating Emotional Prosperity by Robert Emmonds

Reference Websites

VIA Strengths
Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley
IPPA Network
The Flourishing Center
Happier Human

Continuing Education

Graduate Programs:

University of Penn / Masters in the Applied Positive Psychology
Claremont University

Certification Programs:

The Flourishing Center – Certification in Applied Positive Psychology
Whole Being Institute – Certificate in Positive Psychology

Other opportunities:

FREE 1 hour Positive Psychology Master classMaster class
The Science of Happiness – FREE online course!

Recommended TED / TEDx Talks:

Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work
Mihaly Csiksgentmihalyi: Flow, the secret to happiness
Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are
Angela Lee Duckworth: Grit: The power of passion and perseverance
Carol Dweck: The power of believing that you can improve
Martin Seligman: The new era of positive psychology